

Recording bandwidth up to 25 MHz

IZT R3000 Recorder DAB signal 25 MHz

IZT upgraded the recording software for IZT R3000 receivers. The upgrade now enables a recording bandwidth of 25 MHz. A special option allows I/Q recording of full 25 MHz real-time bandwidth, including smooth spectrum/spectrogram display and storage of the PSD and CBB data stream to files. This functionality is also supported by our current post processing applications IZT Viewer and IZT Data Processor and signal analysis options.

The new recording bandwidth can be used with recorder application ‘RF Recorder R3000’ (SignalSuite-810) and ‘RecPlay Recorder’ (SignalSuite-810b/RecPlay-300) by simply installing the latest IZT Signal Suite release and adding the new license key. It is supporting all receivers variants of the IZT R3000 Receiver Family as there are IZT R3020/R3220, IZT R3030/R3230, IZT R3040/R3240, IZT R3410 and IZT R3411 in combination with external Sensor Controllers and the RF recorders IZT R3301 and IZT R3302.

IZT R3000 Digital Wideband Receiver

IZT R3200 Digital Wideband Receiver with Laptop

IZT R3301 Portable Monitoring RF Receiver and Recorder front

IZT R3410 Compact Wideband Receiver and R3411 ruggedized version

IZT R3302 Portable Monitoring Receiver and RF-Recorder with external Sensor Controller