Innovationszentrum für Telekommunikationstechnik GmbH IZT
Am Weichselgarten 5
D-91058 Erlangen
Tel.: +49-9131-9162-0
Fax: +49-9131-9162-190
Mail: Please use our contact form
Responsible for Content and Links
Innovationszentrum für Telekommunikationstechnik GmbH IZT
VAT Identification Number
Terms and Conditions
You will find all information about our general terms and conditions for supply and development agreements in our IZT Terms and Conditions.
Important notice:
Only the German version of our general terms and conditions is legally binding.
General Conditions of Purchase
You can find detailed information about our general conditions of purchase in our IZT conditions of purchase.
Important notice:
Only the German version of our general terms and conditions is legally binding.
Court of Registration
Amtsgericht Fürth, HRB 6716
General Manager
Rainer Perthold
Copyrights of this site is owned in full by Innovationszentrum für Telekommunikationstechnik GmbH IZT.
PGP Key Policy
On request we offer GPG keys to our customers. You can check the authenticity of this keys with the IZT signature key which has the following Fingerprint:
21D7 45EF 2E41 CBCC 930A 2CD1 444C 71C6 CDB2 B092
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