

Airfield Scenario for EW Live Tartu 2019

Airfield Scenario for EW Live Tartu 2019

1. Radio communication in the FM/AM frequency domain

IZT shows a realistic radio communication in the FM/AM frequency domain. All participants are placed at different locations at the airfield, e.g. military vehicles, aircrafts etc. The overall frequency range for the communication is 79 MHz to 144 MHz. The scenario is coordinated from a Master IZT Signal Generator with an LTE communication directly from the hangar to the stations. Short-term changes are possible anytime. The scenario has a duration of 30 minutes. After that time, it is repeated.


2. Drone communication

Drone communication signals are starting to act in the ISM band in the 2.3 GHz region to show the communication between a drone remote control and a drone.


3. Automated Modulation Recognition System

A multi-channel signal generator is connected to the IZT Modulation Recognition system (ModRec). The signal generator will generate a variable RF spectrum GSM/LTE, OFDM, analog modulation signals. The parameters are adapted during the time.

IZT ModRec is an innovative software feature of IZT Signal Suite for signal analysis. Segmentation, which means dividing the broadband spectrum up into individual signals, can be done either manually by the user or, as in this case, automatically by the software. In radio monitoring and intelligence there is a demand for sophisticated signal analysis techniques in order to detect, classify or demodulate radio signals. To achieve this goal IZT ModRec provides powerful signal analysis for detecting and classifying known and unknown signals.


Modulation analyzer results with constellation and eye diagram
Modulation analyzer results with constellation and eye diagram